Monday, September 30, 2013

ACT Math Prep

Please see below for ACT Math Preparation courses offered at SHS.

Time: October 16, November 6, and November 20.  
(Class will be during Early Release/Late Start)

Wednesday, October 16, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 6, 7:30-9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, November 20, 1:00-3:00 p.m. 
Location: SHS, Smartboard Room 521
Cost: $32.50 (checks payble to SASD).  All payment and registration should turned in to Jessie Sloan, Community Education Coordinator.  Registration and payment is due by Monday, October 14.

Who should attend this workshop:

·         Students who are preparing to take the ACT or COMPASS exam

·         Students who want additional experience and guidance in college testing preparation


PSAT Information

PSAT/NMSQT (preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is a standardized test that provides practice for college entrance tests i.e. SAT or ACT.  The PSAT measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills, and writing skills.  Testing offers students an opportunity to test under timed conditions.  It also gives students a chance to enter the Nation Merit Scholarship competition. 
The PSAT will be Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 7:35 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the SHS LMC.  The cost of the test is $14 and payable by check to SHS.  Students will sign-up in the main office with Mrs. K.  Students will only be signed-up when the testing fee is paid.  Space is limited to 40 students.  Please sign-up by Thursday, October 10, 2013.  Students on free/reduced lunch can qualify for a fee waiver (limited quantity).  Please see Mrs. Sloan for information.

Ms. Sloan and Ms. DeLong will be visiting Jr US History classes on Monday, Sept. 30 to announce the PSAT and Career Fair field trip on Oct. 8.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Great Week!

We are wrapping up a great week at SHS!  After coming off Homecoming week, we have had a smooth week with many classes picking up the learning expectations as the courses are now (if they have not already done so) moving into new material.  Our freshman and sophomore students are finishing up their reading portion of the MAP test, with math next week.

Please remember to encourage your student(s) to get plenty of rest and proper nutrition to perform the best they can in the classroom.  We have an excellent food service here at SHS, and we also have a free after school snack for all students involved in tutoring and/or our co-curricular programming.  

I hope you all have a great weekend and GO SPARTANS!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Start of the Week

We had a good first day after our Homecoming week.  The students seemed a little tired after the long week and dance on Saturday night where we had about 400 students.  It is always very nice to see a large number of students at our activities having a great time!!

This week we start our MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) testing for Reading, and next week is Math.  I spoke with every freshman and sophomore Math and English classes today to stress the importance of every student doing their best on this assessment (and everything they do).  New this year, will be SHS's response to students who are in need of assistance based on their individual results.  Students who do not make proficient on this assessment will be given a different resource during our Gold/Red days for us to give them more support in the area of math and reading.  I informed the students of this as well.

We are looking forward to another great week.  With HC behind us, and the midterm approaching quickly, we will be working with our students to ensure that they are keeping up with the rigors of their classes and giving them the support they need.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wrapping Up HC Week

We had an excellent Thursday/Gold Day at SHS!  For our HC activities we had our Variety Show acts that were a great hit for the entire student body; we should be very proud of students who performed this morning.

Tomorrow we have the crowning of our King and Queen for HC court, along with preparation for our HC parade at 5:30.  We do have a Red Day (2,4,6,8) tomorrow with a lot of learning going on as well.

We have had a great week and we will have the finale tomorrow!

Go Spartans!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Early Release Activities

We had a great early release today at SHS!  Our faculty led group discussions in regard to bullying prevention and maintaining a positive school environment.  In between discussions, student and staff watched a movie illustrating the ramifications of bullying behavior on students and the community.  I spoke with the faculty and they were very pleased with the discussions and student behavior during these serious activities. 

At the conclusion of the activities, we continued our Homecoming week with a huge game of Rue Ball!  Please see the picture below as we have many students competing at one time. This positive and friendly competition between classes and staff is an excellent way to bring our learning community closer.

For our professional development in the afternoon, our faculty took a very close look at our final exams and collaborated on making our assessments aligned with our daily learning targets and standards, as well as ensuring the questions are at a high level which challenge our students. 

We are looking forward to a great rest of the homecoming week with a Gold Day tomorrow and a Red Day on Friday!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SHS Report Card Information

Good Morning,

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction recently released a report card for every public school in the state which is composed of student achievement, closing achievement gaps, and post-secondary readiness (graduation rate and ACT scores).   I am very excited, pleased and honored to report that Sparta High School continued to earn the “Exceeds Expectations” accountability rating.  Overall, we increased our overall score from 75.3 to 77.7.  This is an excellent recognition for Sparta High School, the Sparta Area School District, students, parents, staff, and the Sparta community as a whole.  Even though we are very proud of our score, we do recognize that all of us together, students, staff, and parents, can improve and achieve even more for the sake of our students.  Every day we look to improve all of our students’ academic achievement and attendance as we strive for every Sparta High students to not only graduate on time with their peers, but to be college and career ready after graduation.  This will take a great deal of energy and effort for everyone involved in the entire Sparta Area School District Learning Community, however I am very confident that we can continue to raise our student achievement for all students.

Here are links to report card information for all Wisconsin Schools and a parent guide to explain the report card in more detail ( , ).  If anyone has a question about Sparta High’s score, or any other aspect of our school, please contact me at or (608)366-3504.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday of HC Week!

We had a great Monday of Homecoming!  We had a very positive assembly where the students exhibited great school spirit!!  Our Homecoming Court was introduced, along with many other activities that our students both participated in and cheered their classmates on. 

All week we will be talking about being positive, both in SHS and the community.  We are very fortunate to have great students and staff which lead SHS in a progressive and positive direction. 

I even got into the "Harry Potter" theme for this year...

Go Spartans!!!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Homecoming 2013 Information!!

SHS's Press Release:

Homecoming week begins Monday, Sept. 16, at Sparta High School and will be highlighted daily with special activities and dress up days that culminate parade and dance. Please note that the Homecoming parade time has been changed this year to a later start time on Friday, Sept. 20.

Here is the week's schedule:

Dress up days:

Monday: House Color (Seniors/Gryffindor: Red and Gold, Juniors/Slytherin: Green and Silver, Sophomores/Ravenclaw: Blue and Gold, Freshman/Hufflepuff: Black and Yellow)

Tuesday: Aging Potion

Wednesday: Quidditch Day

Thursday: Dark Magic Day

Friday: Spartan Spirit

Monday, Sept. 16: Homecoming court introductions will be done during the day with the Homecoming Variety Show at 7 p.m. In the Auditorium 

Tuesday, Sept. 17: Parade of Athletes/Club participants, 9:15 a.m., Sparta High School

Wednesday, Sept. 18: Anti-bullying activities will be done throughout the morning followed by Rueball at 11 a.m. 

Friday, Sept. 20: Homecoming king and queen coronation during assembly at 10:52 a.m., followed by parade at 5:30 p.m. Parade begins at the corner of Hill and Water streets, going north on Water Street, east on Franklin Street and to the football field.  Floats will enter the parking lot and park on the east end of the stadium until halftime. At or after halftime, all floats are responsible for cleaning up their floats, disposing of materials, and taking everything with them. The Varsity Football game begins at 7 p.m. 

Saturday, Sept. 21: Homecoming Dance from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets available at the door for $5 or $3 with a canned good/donated food item.

Also, Sparta High School students will be painting windows from 3:15 to 6:15 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13. This will go with the Homecoming theme. They must be completed by 6:30 p.m. For judging.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gold/Red Days Ahead

We have had three great days to start the work week and are looking forward to our Gold Day tomorrow!  Students will have hours 1,3,5, and 7, with a resource time built in between 3rd and 5th hour.  This resource time is very valuable to our students as it gives them an opportunity to ask questions to all of their teachers and have extra time to get their work done.  Students may "opt" out of their resource after attendance is taken if they meet certain academic, behavior, and attendance requirements.  Students who do not "opt out" or have a required academic pass, remain in their Resource teacher's room to complete their work and work towards being able to "opt out" of resource as an incentive.  On Friday, we will have our Red Day with hours 2,4,6, and 8, along with our resource time as well.

We are looking forward to a great end of the week and look forward to many more days of learning ahead at SHS! 

Go Spartans!!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Early Release, September 18

On Wednesday, September 18th the Sparta Area School District will have their first early release of the year for staff professional development.  SHS students will be dismissed 2 hour earlier than normal (1:01). During this time, Sparta High faculty will be continuing to collaborate to align all of our current assessments to the standards, common across the same course,  and assure that they are challenging our students at  high levels.

Thank you for your continued support of our early releases and staff development time. This time is very valuable to our staff in order to ensure that we increase our student achievement in every student and prepare them to be college and career ready.  If you have any questions in regard to this staff development, or anything else in regard to SHS, please feel free to contact me at or 608-366-3504.

Go Spartans!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Great Start to the Week!

Good Afternoon!

We had an excellent start to the week.  Our students are getting into the flow of our schedules and our students are eagerly awaiting Homecoming week!

Please keep encouraging your son/daughter to do their best, come prepared/on-time to all classes, get plenty of rest, and keep up on their academics.  Please use Family Access to keep up-to-date on your student's progress, and it is an excellent way to communicate with our teachers.

Have a great night!

Sam Russ

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Red Day Tomorrow!

Thank you again SHS for a great Gold Day!  I am sure the students got into the swing of things today as they were engaged in the classroom for 90 minutes per class.

Tomorrow is a Red Day, where we have hours 2, 4, 6, and 8 with our resource time in between 4th and 6th hour. During resource tomorrow, we will be splitting up into classes to discuss homecoming activities.  Please encourage your son/daughter to get involved as much as possible during homecoming week as it is a great week for SHS full of Spartan Spirit!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Excellent Day With All Students!

We had a great day at SHS as the entire learning community for 2013-2014 came together for the first time!!!  All students had all eight periods and we had the 10-12 grade students all in the auditorium to go over our school expectations.  After we were all together, we then broke up by classes and went over academic and career information.

We have had a great start to the school year! Thank you to all students for coming to SHS eager to learn, and the parents for getting them well prepared.  Tomorrow we are running our "Gold" schedule with hours 1, 3, 5, and 7, with a resource between 3rd and 5th hour. On SHS's homepage, we have an updated daily schedule that lists the bell schedule for the day.

Parents please keep asking your child how school went and if there is any important dates coming up.  Please be in communication with your student's teachers as keeping an open, positive communication channel increases student success.

Thanks you all again!

Go Spartans!!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Great Freshman Day!!!!

We had a great freshman first day today at SHS!!!  The Class of 2017 had a great day of activities designed to get them acclimated with SHS and we had a lot of energy throughout the halls.  Please keep the energy level high as we have the sophomores, juniors, and and seniors coming tomorrow.

All students tomorrow will report to 1st hour by 7:40 a.m. and we are all excited to see everyone as we continue to start our journey for this school year.

Go Spartans!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day to all!  I hope you are having a great, relaxing weekend as we kick off the 2013-2014 school year tomorrow by welcoming the Class of 2017!  Tuesday, September 3, is specifically dedicated to the Class of 2017 as we have an entire day of activities planned for them.

As we will talk throughout the year in regard to all students being ready to learn every day, it is important for all students to get as much sleep and rest as possible throughout the year.  I know our students are very busy, but by getting into a consistent routine will help our students get as much sleep as possible.  Juggling school, co-curricular activities, family time, and work is difficult at times, so being proactive and getting as much rest as possible will keep our students healthier.  This, along with having good nutrition, will assist our students in the classroom, especially during the flu season.

Have a great rest of the day!  We will see all the freshman tomorrow and the rest of  SHS students on Wednesday, September 4.  If anyone has any questions in regard to SHS, please feel free to contact me or 366-3504.